News, Intuisi Blog – Telegram CEO and co-founder Pavel Durov announced this morning that the company will be unveiling its advertising platform later this month. This will enable channel owners to collect the financial benefits. The company will offer cash rewards via the toncoin TON blockchain. Channel owners will begin receiving 50 percent of the revenues that the business earns through the display of ads on their channels.
Telegram channels permit users to transmit public messages to massive audience. Durov claims that, while broadcast channels are available on Telegram have one trillion views each month, just 10% of those views can be made monetizable through Telegram Ads, its promotion instrument. In March Telegram Ad Platform will be available to channel owners in Telegram Ad Platform will open to channel owners across nearly 100 countries, indicating an important shift towards the monetization of content.
Telegram Ad Payment
The company has told Intuisi Blog it’s not ready to release its criteria regarding revenue sharing at this time.
“To make sure that ad payment as well as withdrawals are quick and safe, we’ll exclusively utilize the TON blockchain” Durov wrote in his announcement blog on Telegram. “Similar to our strategy for Telegram usernames and Fragment We will also sell ads, and then share the revenue with the owners of channels in Toncoin. The result will be a circle in which content creators are able to take cash from their Toncoins and reinvest the funds in upgrading and promoting the channels they have.”
The TON token rose more than 40% to $2.92 after the instant release of the information it was at $2.65 as at the time of writing.
This announcement is the most recent. Telegram will join similar platforms like YouTube as well as X (formerly Twitter), each of which offers the possibility of sharing revenue with customers. YouTube provides 55% of the ad’s revenue for creators who participate in YouTube’s YouTube Partner Program, while X has begun providing revenues sharing to its users in July 2023. Meta additionally has tested the new model of payout to be used in the Ads on Reels the monetization system.
Telegram boasts more than 800 million active monthly users from all over the world.